A young girl is on the run within the shattered remains of 24th-century America.
In the 24th-century, a young girl named Rose finds haven in an abandoned mall. When she is inadvertently thrust into the deadly remnants of America, Rose must learn to adapt if she wants to survive. Following closely in her wake is Zed -- a notorious bounty hunter. Recently released from prison, Zed has been offered her freedom in exchange for Rose. With the odds stacked against her, will Rose make it?
Writer: Nicholas Black
Artist: Serg Acuna (WWE, Firefly: The Sting)
Colorist: Hackto Oshiro (Kid Nefarious)
Letterer: Bernardo Brice (Artifact, Hidden Society)
Quote from the creator, Nicholas Black
"Darkland is a combination of everything I love: post-apocalyptic adventures, retrofuturism, and Lovecraftian monsters. I'm honored and ecstatic to bring Darkland to life with Scout Comics!"